
Propaganda and Manipulation or hidden Ukrainian photography, Wszyscy Jestesmy Fotografami VOL.2, 192-211. Warsaw 2021

Une histoire mondiale des femmes photographes, page 263. Editionss Textuel, Paris 2020.

Paraska Plytka-Horytsvit’s Photography Archive. When a Photograph Tells a Story. Paraska Plytka-Horytsvit. Overcoming Gravity, pp.146-152. Kyiv 2019.

Images Tell Stories, a book published in collaboration with the Finnish Museum of Photography.

Public Art on Maidan. Rebellion in an Artistic Form. Chronicles of One Winter. Donbas. First Line, pp.111-118. 

R’Evolution Art Project Catalog. Kyiv, 84 pages.

Alternative Art Guide Book. Odesa 2012, 128 pages.